Rochelle White Communications

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We’ve only gone and f**king won

Winners: Marketing, Advertising & PR Agency UK Startup Awards 2024

Excuse our fruity language…

But, we’re proud to announce that we won 🏆

‘Marketing, advertising and PR start-up South East’ at the UK StartUp Awards 2024. 

As a business, we’re absolutely thrilled by this news and to be recognised in the South East region is a great achievement.

If you didn’t know, The UK StartUp Awards were established to highlight the success of startups across ten UK nations and regions, and to celebrate the achievements of entrepreneurs in all sectors of the economy. The awards are run by the founders of the Great British Entrepreneur Awards (an established programme nationally receiving thousands of applications annually and the UK Fast Growth 50 Index (which recognises the fastest growing firms across the nations and regions of the UK).

Here’s what Rochelle had to say…

Holy $*&£ing s%$£…Yes, I’m swearing!

I’m so beyond proud!

My application for this year was real, raw and honest and I didn’t think I would even get shortlisted. So, to get it for the second year running (our first time was 2023), was an achievement within itself.

But, to win the regional South East category is AMAZING!

My business has gone through so much and so have I over the past two years - which have been the toughest, yet also the most rewarding. I’ve taken so much time and effort to really honed in on who we are as a agency, our look and feel and what we’re known for. I have carefully crafted a brand image and service that is relevant to who we are as a business as well as the brands we represent and want to work with.

Am I playing in a competitive space - absolutely...

Is it a tough challenge 100%…

But am I up for it - 1000% YES!

I have learnt so much about myself and business, which I don’t think I can really put into words. I know awards aren’t everything and don’t always necessarily equate to how good you are, but to recognised in prestige and well known awards is something that I don’t take that for granted. I really do feel proud of what myself, business and team have achieved in the past two years and trust me - when I say - I’m really only getting started!

Shout out and Thank you to the Startup Team and all involved ✌🏽. xx

Nearly 90,000 new businesses were created in the South East in 2023 and according to Professor Dylan Jones-Evans OBE, creator of the awards, this demonstrates the growing importance of entrepreneurs to the regional economy.

“Turning an idea into a successful business takes a lot of courage and dedication. Congratulations to Rochelle White Communications on winning their category in the South East and making it to this year’s UK national final. Start-ups need certainty to plan ahead. It’s great to see so many thrive, especially in these challenging economic times.”

We’ll be heading to UK national final on September 12th, 2024 at Ideas Fest, so keep your eyes peeled over the next few months.

You can view us and all the other winners in the South East category here.