Rochelle White Communications

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Why Out of Home advertising and marketing should be on your radar.

Out of Home (OOH) advertising & marketing…

refers to promotional activities that occur outside of people's homes. It involves using various physical and digital media to reach a wide audience and promote brands, products, or services.

OOH advertising and marketing encompasses a range of methods, such as billboards, posters, bus shelters, transit ads, digital displays and even ads on the sides of buildings.

These advertising materials are strategically placed in high-traffic areas like roads, public transportation stations, shopping centres, and other public spaces.

The main purpose of OOH advertising is to capture the attention of people, by leveraging eye-catching designs, concise messages and appealing visuals. With the aim to create awareness, generate interest, and ultimately influence consumer behaviour.

OOH has been a popular form of advertising for decades. With the rise of digital marketing, some have questioned the effectiveness of it. However, it’s seen a resurgence in popularity and effectiveness.

These are some of the benefits to investing in OOH;

First, you gain broad exposure and allows you to reach large and diverse audiences. This is particularly valuable for promoting products or services that appeal to a wide range of people.

Second, it can have a strong visual impact. Placing ads in strategic locations can grab people's attention and leave a lasting impression. The creative and memorable nature of these advertisements can help brands differentiate themselves from competitors.

Third, it has the advantage of being unavoidable. Unlike other forms of advertising that viewers can easily skip or ignore, OOH ads are often in the line of sight of passersby. This increases the chances of the message being noticed and remembered.

Lastly, it can effectively target specific locations or demographics. By strategically selecting the placement of ads in areas where the target audience frequents, brands can increase the likelihood of reaching the right people at the right time.

Using physical media placed in public spaces to promote your brands products, or services. It offers broad exposure, visual impact, unavoidable presence, and the ability to target specific locations or demographics.

Here are a few reasons why OOH marketing should be on your radar for 2023 and 2024.

🙋🏾‍♂️ Reaches a wider audience

Yes, it has the ability to reach a wider audience than other forms of advertising. It’s estimated that 98% of UK consumers see at least one OOH ad per week. This means that OOH marketing has the potential to reach more people than television or radio advertising.

📢 Builds brand awareness

It’s a great way to build brand awareness. By placing ads in high-traffic areas, such as billboards and shopping centres, you can expose your brand to a large number of people. This exposure can help increase brand recognition and recall, making your brand top of mind when consumers are making purchasing decisions.

🎯 Targets consumers when they’re out and about

You can target consumers when they’re out and about, making it a great way to reach people when they’re in a buying mindset. For example, if you’re advertising a restaurant, placing an ad near a shopping centre, tube station or cinema can encourage people to stop by for a meal before or after their activity.

📲 Complements digital marketing efforts

Yes, OOH can complement your digital marketing efforts. By using similar messaging and branding in your OOH ads as you do in your digital ads, you can create a cohesive brand experience for consumers. Additionally, OOH ads can drive traffic to your website or social media channels, increasing engagement and conversions.

🔮 Impact on brands and future consumer buying habits

As you know, we’re all about future proofing brands. The impact of OOH marketing and future consumer buying habits is significant. OOH marketing can increase brand awareness, drive traffic and create a memorable brand experience.

Additionally, OOH marketing has the ability to influence future consumer buying habits.

For example, if a consumer sees an OOH ad for a product they’ve never heard of before, they may be more likely to research the product online and make a purchase.

This is why OOH marketing should be on your radar, no matter your size. Consumers are not only savvy as many are online, there are still many coming offline and social platforms - with digital detoxes on the rise, espcailly among Millennial and Gen Z consumers.

Investing in OOH reaches wider audiences, build brand awareness and targets consumers when they’re out and about. Everything should be in complement of your digital marketing efforts to make it a powerful form of advertising. It’s important to understand that you need to be building you brand for the future consumers, as it has an impact on your brands future, which makes it a valuable investment for businesses.

Ready to get started on your creative OOH advertising journey?

📧 Drop us an email:

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